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Există 5 mărci

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    Marca FINNLO ofera echipamente cardio si aparate multi gym, precum si accesorii de cea mai inalta calitate. FINNLO ofera o gama completa de biciclete eliptice, ergometre, multi gym, benzi de alergat si aparate de vaslit, pentru incepatori si avansati.

    FINNLO MAXIMUM reprezinta linia premium a firmei a hotel-quality line of fitness equipment. Produsele cardio si de forta, ce fac parte din aceasta linie, sunt construite cu cele mai avansate tehnologii si contin materiale de cea mai buna calitate.


    Cu o istorie de peste 100 de ani in industria echipamentelor sportive, HAMMER a devenit o marca binecunoscuta. Numeroasele patente detinute reprezinta un indice al recunoasterii si capabilitatilor companiei. HAMMER FITNESS dezvolta produse exact conform cu cerintele pietei – aparate cardio si multifunctionale fiabile si usor de folosit.

    Linia de produse include echipamente cardio (biciclete eliptice, ergometre, biciclete fitness fixe, benzi de alergat si aparate de vaslit), aparate multi gym si diverse banci abdominale plus accesorii fitness.


    Recognising and setting trends. For more than 60 years, Kettler has shaped the sports and leisure market with cutting-edge product solutions. Some of them have made history: With the world's first aluminium bike, in 1977 Kettler revolutionised the bicycle world, the "Golf" home trainer became Europe's most popular fitness equipment in the 1980s, generations of children and youths grew up with the KETTCAR and the first weatherproof table tennis table to this day stands for trend-setting functionality.


    NATIV reprezinta marca proprie de echipamente sportive si accesorii fitness. Viziunea marcii a fost si este in continuare aceea de a aduce cel mai bun raport calitate - pret pe piata echipamentelor fitness. Gama larga de produse si accesorii oferite denota implicarea si experienta marcii in acest segment de piata.

  • PUKY

    The PUKY® success story is unique in its form and has a considerable effect on the products and the image of the brand. A well-developed value system is the key factor and this extends both outwards and inwards. Consistency, responsibility and reliability. Motivation and drive for unique “Made in Germany” quality.

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